1·We'll need another effect - light reflecting from bottom of each waterdrop.
2·He pulled out a black stone having an eye of light reflecting all the hues of the rainbow.
3·Always be sure to steer well clear of cakey, dry formulations and opt for a light reflecting, hydrating one.
4·Always be sure to steer well clear of cakey, dry formulations and opt for a light reflecting, hydrating one.
5·This ghostly image does not show light reflecting from the surfaces of the space station like an optical photograph.
6·Sunglint is caused by sunlight reflecting off of a water surface directly towards the observer—much as light reflects from a mirror.
7·A car may even hit a particular turtle, which was thinking the light from a nearby city was moonlight reflecting off the ocean waves.
8·In this photograph, light reflecting off the surface of the water—a phenomenon astronauts call sunglint—makes the lake appear to glow.
9·"If you become paralyzed by your failures, you won't grow, " Murdoch said looking out into the audience, light reflecting off his glasses.
默多克注视着观众,灯光照在他的眼镜上,反射出耀眼的光芒。 他说道:“如果一个人因为失败而丧失勇气,他就永远不会成长。”
10·The place had recently been painted a bright, bilious yellow, and the light reflecting off the walls made everyone inside look as though they had hepatitis!